Why Organic Matters...
Organic coffee offers a richer, more authentic taste, with vibrant flavors and aromas that are a true reflection of the coffee’s origin, free from the interference of synthetic chemicals and pesticides... but how exactly is it better for us, our famers, and the planet in general?
Organic standards work hard to make sure that absolutely no nasty chemicals, pesticides or solvents come into contact with our coffee - meaning that you can rest easy in the knowledge that what you’re drinking is free from many of the manufactured chemicals used in non-organic coffee production. Even the fertilisers used by the growers have to meet very high standards to be granted safe by organic standards - and these natural, certified fertilisers not only use less energy, but leave much less of a footprint on the communities that use them.
Unlike commercial coffee production - what we’d term ‘high yield’ - organic coffee doesn’t condone any intensive farming practices. This makes sure the land that is worked is protected and cared for, and helps combat the part that some forms of farming play in deforestation. In fact, it goes one step further & actually aids the conservation of wildlife, birds & vegetation. Coffee is the second most popular beverage after water & the second top selling product after oil, so if everyone did decide to shop organic, we would do a whole lot of good for the planet.
Getting organically certified is not easy, but it means that the quality of the coffee produced is a lot higher, and with this internationally recognised standard comes guarantees of better market prices that can be passed on directly to the farmers themselves. To make doubly sure our producers are supported, all our coffee is certified Fairtrade as well, which guarantees better wages for everyone involved.
Our Trip to Honduras
We recently took a trip to Corquin, Honduras, to visit some of our producers and see exactly how important organic farming is to making coffee a viable product for future generations...

Joe visiting on of the dozens of farms that make up the CAFICO co-operative...

Funghi taken from the forest floor turning into an organic alternative to commercial fertilisers...

Dracaena used as natural pest control, rather than traditional pesticides...

Intercropping is a key part of organic farming, and allows different revenue streams from a single farm...

Natural microrganisms taken from the forest, which will soon become organic fertiliser...

Aldemo Paz Alvarado is a 61-year-old coffee farmer in the Corquin region of Honduras who has dedicated his entire life to farming...